contouring palette has finally arrived on drugstore shelves! It's Catrice
Allround Contouring Palette, which costs 4.29 € and has very similar but
sleeker packaging than their Allround Concealer one. I dont' own any other
cream contour kit, so this was my first time using a product like that. It has
5 shades – 2 dark ones for creating shadows, 2 light ones and a pretty pearl
shade highlighter. The palette is quite simple to use and if you don't know
where to put which shade you can always look at pictures on the back. Because
it is a cream product, you have to warm it up a bit first for easier
application, either on your skin (between your fingers or on the back of the
hand) or on the metal palette with spatula as I usually do, which is necessary especially
if you work on others, for hygienic reasons. The palette is nothing special really, but it's not bad either. I kinda got the feeling that intensity faded when I put on loose powder, but maybe I just applied too little - which brings me to the next problem. The packaging is quite small and wont last long but on the other hand it's easier
for carrying it around with you because of the same reason. For this pride is definetly worth buying.
drogerijske police so končno dočakale kremno paletko za senčenje obraza. To je
Catrice Allround Contouring Palette, ki stane 4.29 €, in ima zelo podobno,
vendar elegantnejšo embalažo kot njihov Allround Concealer. Ker do sedaj še nisem
imela nobene kremne paletke za senčenje, sem sedaj prvič uporabila tak izdelek.
Vsebuje 5 odnetkov – 2 temna za ustvarjanje senc, 2 svetla ter osvetljevalec
perlaste barve. Paletka je precej enostavna za uporabo in če ne veš kam nanesti
določen odtenek lahko vedno pogledaš za zadnji del embalaže. Ker je to kremni
izdelek, ga je najprej potrebno malce ogreti
za lažji nanos, kar lahko storiš na koži (med prsti ali na zadnjem delu dlani)
ali pa na kovinski paletki s spatulo, kot ponavadi naredim jaz, kar je še posebej potrebno če delaš na drugih,
zaradi higienskih razlogov. Paletka ni nič posebnega, vendar vseeno ni slaba. Dobila sem občutek, da sence niso bile več tako intenzivne po tem, ko sem čez dala še puder v prahu, vendar sem mogoče samo nanesla premalo intenzivno - kar pripelje do naslednjega problema. Izdelka v paletki je dokaj malo in se ga kar hitro porabi, kar je po drugi strani iz
istega razloga zelo priročno, saj ga lahko nosiš s sabo kamorkoli greš. Za to ceno nakup definitivno priporočam.
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